Module quantities

The purpose of this small library is to perform automatic compile-time or run-time dimensional checking when dealing with quantities and units.

There is no actual distinction between units and quantities, so there are no distinct quantity and unit types. All operations are actually done on quantities. For example, meter is both the unit meter_ and the quantity _1m_. New quantities can be derived from other ones using operators or dedicated functions.

Quantities can be parsed from strings at run time and compile time.

The main SI units and prefixes are predefined. Units with other dimensions can be defined by the user.


Synopsis at compile-time

import quantities.compiletime;

// Define a quantity from SI units
auto distance = 384_400 * kilo(meter);

// Define a quantity from a string
auto speed = si!"299_792_458 m/s";
// Define a type for a quantity
alias Speed = typeof(speed);

// Calculations on quantities
auto calculateTime(Length d, Speed s)
    return d / s;
Time time = calculateTime(distance, speed);

// Dimensions are checked at compile time for consistency
assert(!__traits(compiles, distance + speed));

// Format a quantity with a format specification known at compile-time
assert(siFormat!"%.3f s"(time) == "1.282 s");


Synopsis at run-time

import quantities.runtime;
import std.exception : assertThrown;

// Define a quantity from SI units (using the helper function `qVariant`)
auto distance = qVariant(384_400 * kilo(meter));

// Define a quantity from a string
auto speed = parseSI("299_792_458 m/s");

// Calculations on quantities (checked at compile time for consistency)
QVariant!double calculateTime(QVariant!double d, QVariant!double s)
    return d / s;
auto time = calculateTime(distance, speed);

// Dimensions are checked at run time for consistency
assertThrown!DimensionException(distance + speed);

// Format a quantity with a format specification known at run-time
assert(siFormat("%.3f s", time) == "1.282 s");