Module quantities.compiletime

This module defines quantities that are statically checked for dimensional consistency at compile-time.

The dimensions are part of their types, so that the compilation fails if an operation or a function call is not dimensionally consistent.


import quantities.compiletime;
import std.format : format;
import std.math : approxEqual;

// Introductory example
    // Use the predefined quantity types (in module
    Volume volume;
    Concentration concentration;
    Mass mass;

    // Define a new quantity type
    alias MolarMass = typeof(kilogram / mole);

    // I have to make a new solution at the concentration of 5 mmol/L
    concentration = 5.0 * milli(mole) / liter;

    // The final volume is 100 ml.
    volume = 100.0 * milli(liter);

    // The molar mass of my compound is 118.9 g/mol
    MolarMass mm = 118.9 * gram / mole;

    // What mass should I weigh?
    mass = concentration * volume * mm;
    assert(format("%s", mass) == "5.945e-05 [M]");
    // Wait! That's not really useful!
    assert(siFormat!"%.1f mg"(mass) == "59.5 mg");

// Working with predefined units
    auto distance = 384_400 * kilo(meter); // From Earth to Moon
    auto speed = 299_792_458 * meter / second; // Speed of light
    auto time = distance / speed;
    assert(time.siFormat!"%.3f s" == "1.282 s");

// Dimensional correctness is check at compile-time
    Mass mass;
    assert(!__traits(compiles, mass = 15 * meter));
    assert(!__traits(compiles, mass = 1.2));

// Calculations can be done at compile-time
    enum distance = 384_400 * kilo(meter); // From Earth to Moon
    enum speed = 299_792_458 * meter / second; // Speed of light
    enum time = distance / speed;
    /* static */
    assert(time.siFormat!"%.3f s" == "1.282 s");
    // NB. Phobos can't format floating point values at run-time.

// Create a new unit from the predefined ones
    auto inch = 2.54 * centi(meter);
    auto mile = 1609 * meter;
    assert(mile.value(inch).approxEqual(63_346)); // inches in a mile
    // NB. Cannot use siFormatter, because inches are not SI units

// Create a new unit with new dimensions
    // Create a new base unit of currency
    auto euro = unit!(double, "C"); // C is the chosen dimension symol (for currency...)

    auto dollar = euro / 1.35;
    auto price = 2000 * dollar;
    assert(price.value(euro).approxEqual(1481)); // Price in euros

// Compile-time parsing
    enum distance = si!"384_400 km";
    enum speed = si!"299_792_458 m/s";
    assert(is(typeof(distance) == Length));
    assert(is(typeof(speed) == Speed));

// Run-time parsing of statically typed Quantities
    auto data = ["distance-to-the-moon" : "384_400 km", "speed-of-light" : "299_792_458 m/s"];
    auto distance = parseSI!Length(data["distance-to-the-moon"]);
    auto speed = parseSI!Speed(data["speed-of-light"]);


abs(quantity) Basic math functions that work with Quantity.
cbrt(quantity) Basic math functions that work with Quantity.
cubic(quantity) Basic math functions that work with Quantity.
nthRoot(quantity) Basic math functions that work with Quantity.
pow(quantity) Basic math functions that work with Quantity.
sqrt(quantity) Basic math functions that work with Quantity.
square(quantity) Basic math functions that work with Quantity.
unit() Creates a new monodimensional unit as a Quantity.


Quantity A quantity checked at compile-time for dimensional consistency.

Manifest constants

isQuantity Tests whether T is a quantity type.